Friday, February 22, 2008

on waking to find strange music in my house

wakes up, stares at ceiling. pulls at one piece pajama but does not form token acknowledgement of such.
"the sun envelops the earth in matter-of-fact high radiance. a road stretches, cartoon-like, down before me and then up again and over hills giving the impression of expansive distance. whole mountain chains spread in the foreground and again in the background. intervening distance looks massive yet both mountains are clearly visible in foggy ultradetail. i set out, my legs sink smoothly into the pavement as computer models not intersecting. they stop and i cover great distance over the completely sun-illuminated plain. i continue to be able to see in all directions. i encounter a castle or warehouse of doubtful age. it is at once megalithic and new, but weathered. the architecture is simple but unlike anything i've seen in reality before. it is hewn into the side of a mountain. i enter and immediately the light changes to a blue grey dusk. i am cast into an atom as an electron, elliptically orbiting with other people around a certain core mass of people. identities are vague and possibly deliberately obscure. there is a sense of intention pulled taut in the room with no clues as to who or what is causing the feeling that one must be able to find a reason or actor who has caused the situation."

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